Repeat Infringer Policy

G3 (GGG) will suspend or revoke all rights and privileges from any user or members (collectively, “members”) who are deemed repeat infringers. For these purposes, the Company will count “strikes.” A strike will arise against a member for each violation of the Terms and Conditions as determined solely by GGG.

When GGG determines a member has accumulated three strikes, that member will be classified as a “repeat offender.” The member will be removed from the Platform and blocked from access for a period of time determined by GGG.

A strike will arise from any act of copyright infringement. Typically, those activities will consist of the violation of rights under Title 17 of the United States Code. However, if GGG gains actual knowledge that a member has violated the copyright laws of a foreign country or other recognized jurisdiction, that also counts as a strike.

Once blocked from the Platform, the member will not be allowed to rejoin the Platform until three years from the date of the latest occurring strike. If a member who was previously blocked returns to the Platform and incurs additional strikes, then that member will be blocked permanently. A member that attempts to evade enforcement of any GGG block by creating new accounts may also be blocked or banned permanently, regardless of whether or not the member commits additional infringement.

GGG will accrue strikes against members only. If the member is an entity, all submissions by that entity will count against the entity and also against the individual contributor.

Once an individual or entity has been blocked, GGG does not allow substantially identical names or identifying information such as email address to re-enroll in the Platform without substantial evidence that the potential new member is not the same person or entity that had been previously blocked.

Decisions of G3 and its agents will be final.